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Google Ads

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What is Google ADS?

Google Ads is a platform for automated buying of digital spaces, in multiple formats and devices. Google Ads provides the most advanced technology in the market to target your ads in search engines, banners and video.

Reach all audiences



Concentrate investment in very specific geographic areas, in precise time periods as well as certain ranges of hours and days of the week.



It is the advertiser who determines the maximum daily and monthly investment and the cost.



It is always possible to know how many users saw the ad, visited the website or called the business.



A Google Ads campaign starts producing qualified traffic immediately.


Search network

Google Ads allows you to publish ads in Google search results and associated search engines (Aol, Terra, Maps, YouTube, etc.) using keywords of interest.

Google Shopping campaigns are specially designed to promote products from online stores.

Display ads in search as well as on websites and mobile apps.

A direct access to the site is provided for the user to access in a simpler way.

Link connected to your business phone for quick contact.

Map with the location of your business.


Display Network

The display network is the largest digital advertising network, comprising 80% of the top digital media.

Select web pages classified by subject

Displays ads to people interested in products/services related to your browsing history.

Display ads to audiences that have previously visited the website, generating audiences with different interests with personalized creatives.
with personalized creatives.

Select web pages sorted by location.

Displays ads to people interested in products/services related to your browsing history.
related to your browsing history.

Advertisements are targeted to specific audiences based on data such as age, gender or marital status.

Contextually trigger ads based on website content that matches the keywords that are
that matches the keywords that are assigned to the campaign.


Video Network YouTube

These are specific campaigns that focus their advertising support on video ads. Thanks to this resource, more information can be given than in static images and the impact is usually greater. The ads are activated in the preview of YouTube videos and on the websites of video partners.

In-stream ads are served during, before or after other videos on YouTube, or on sites, games or apps on the Display Network.

Video discovery ads are only shown on YouTube and reach people where they discover content. They vary in appearance depending on the ad sizes and formats supported by content publishers.

Non-skippable in-stream ads are designed to help you reach customers with your full message. These ads last 15 seconds or less and cannot be skipped by viewers.

Outstream ads are displayed on partner sites. These ads are only available on mobile and tablet devices and are designed to make it easier for users to click to play your video.

How does it work?

Available video ad formats include in-stream ads, video discovery ads, in-stream ads that cannot be skipped, outstream ads, and ad bumpers. Video discovery ads can only appear on YouTube.

Advertising Bumpers

Bumper ads are a short video ad format designed to help you reach a large number of customers and increase brand awareness through a short, easy-to-remember message. Bumper ads last 6 seconds or less, and viewers cannot skip the ad.

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