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Inicio » Branding – en

What is Branding?

“A brand is a set of expectations, stories, relationships and memories that come together to win the heart of a customer.”

Branding is a series of actions aligned to the positioning, purpose and values of a brand. The objective of branding is the construction of the brand as a means of identification of a good or service, but also aims to arouse feelings and create connections (conscious and unconscious) that will be crucial to the customer experience at the time of their decision.

Creativity and strategy


All the actions that a brand performs, from the creation of the logo to the choice of its design, typography and name are part of the construction of what we call brand personality. These elements will be present in the mind of each client through perceptions and feelings. These elements will be present in the mind of each customer through perceptions and feelings. For these reasons, the ideation and creation of a brand is not an easy task, nor is the updating of its performance in today’s world. The visual identity of a brand only becomes effective when we take into account decisive factors for its development and profitability as well as for the creation of meanings through symbols that will be the essence of the brand.

What are these elements?




Visual identity



A very important step in branding is naming, which refers to the creative process by which a name is assigned to the brand. The creation of this name must be in line with the values, attributes, experiences and emotions of the brand’s personality. At the same time, it must be a name that is easy to remember and pronounce so that the identification of the product is effective and evokes the ideas that the brand intends to convey.


Visual identity

Graphic design takes on special relevance when it comes to the visual identity of the brand as it is what gives it value and differentiates it from the competition. It is decisive for both corporate identity and positioning. It is a set of graphic elements that are aligned with the message that the brand wants to convey, in addition to ensuring the coherence and consistency of its personality so that it has permanence over time, memorability and user appeal.

What parts are included?


Legal Protection of the Trademark


Branding Strategy


Legal Protection of the Trademark

We register and patent your trademark. This is essential since the law recognizes as the holder of an exclusive right to use a trademark to whoever obtains its registration. Exclusivity that implies, among other advantages, preventing third parties from marketing identical or similar products with the same trademark or using a similar trademark that may generate confusion among consumers. The regulating entities of these provisions at the national level are


Branding Strategy

For a brand to position itself within the sector, reinforcing its value and contrasting with the competition, it will be necessary that the customer’s experience with the brand is positive and satisfactory. From this derives the need to outline an appropriate strategy from the very beginning, that is, from the construction of the image to ensure that the attributes and values of the brand are unique and coherent in the customer’s perception.

In this sense, the way in which the brand communicates with its public, whether through press releases or offline marketing campaigns, must be carefully studied for the proposed objectives.

They entrusted their image to us

“A brand is a set of expectations, stories, relationships and memories that come together to win the heart of a customer.”

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