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Inbound Marketing

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Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing seeks to attract potential customers (buyer persona) at different stages of the buying decision process through content marketing: generating relevant content for the buyer persona of each company.

Through unobtrusive techniques such as marketing automations, landing pages, CRO, SEO, calls to action, posts and more Social Media posts, creativity and ingenuity, we contribute with our look in the professionalization of digital content management. Online advertising is based on audiovisual or written content of interest that has value for potential customers, who are considered as probable buyers or consumers. This action facilitates the contact details of potential customers through a form.



The buyer persona, for digital marketing, is a fictitious representation of our ideal client. The buyer persona is the evolution of the ‘target’ of digital marketing although with more data, more interests, more informed, with attitudes and trends. Within digital marketing, detecting buyer persona is essential because it helps us understand the interests, emotions, fears and behaviors of our potential customers.

Buyer Journey

The sales funnel or its evolution, the Flyweel, are inspired by the stages that the potential customer goes through in the purchase decision process (Lewis 1898 AIDA model) and are used to personalize content and make online communication and digital persuasion more efficient.



Before there was a "zero moment of truth", prospects were informed about products and services mainly through word of mouth. Today, there are many ways to get information about the products we want to buy: search engines (like Google), social networks, blogs, websites, mobile apps and forums. Today's user is not the same as yesterday: he is informed and has all the tools to do so.


Once the prospect knows, more or less, what the product he is looking for is about, he enters a new stage where the research reaches another level and the information he receives in this phase of the process is key to bring him closer to the decisive moment of purchase. To make a sale, brands interact, on average, between 4 and 7 times with their potential customers.


The potential customer is already convinced to buy our product, but not yet our brand. In this phase of the conversion funnel is where we respond, persuade and convince those prospects who started the process to convert them into customers.

The content strategy sets a course in online communication: it orders the content schedule and makes the interaction with customers and prospects easier and more natural. Accompanying the interaction processes, the omnichannel and the evolution within the sales funnel, content is a key part of the Inbound Marketing strategy. A ‘content’ is any piece of online communication that, in some way, we can control, plan and use to persuade prospects and meet our digital marketing goals.

Content Strategy in Inbound Marketing

Automation Marketing

Content plan


Establish a publication and distribution schedule

A publishing calendar is nothing more and nothing less than deciding how often you’re going to publish your content: whether they are posts, infographics or audiovisual and develop a schedule that allows you to work in a prolonged way.


Define your audience

When developing a content plan it is important to go back to these definitions (buyer persona) to better understand who our consumers will be, what their interests, preferences and what they are looking for on the Internet.


Develop the contents

At this point, it is increasingly important to develop multi-format and multi-channel content: diversify the type of content to cover the preferences of all audiences and show it on different platforms.


Elaborate a content map

Here it is time to think about how to capture the questions that emerge in relation to the buying cycle, creating a map or roadmap that allows us to see what are the best contents for each stage.


Analyze the performance of each part

Analyzing your production performance is the most reliable way to see what’s working and what’s not. Each platform offers its own analytical tools to access this data and should be reviewed regularly.

Web Structures


A call to action (CTA) is an image, button, link or text that invites visitors to your website, blog or Facebook page to take a certain action. It is literally a "call to take an action".

Landing Page

Landing Page its a page within a website, developed with the sole purpose of converting web visitors into Leads or sales prospects through a specific offer.

Thank Page

In addition to delivering landing page content to our users, the 'Thank You Page' is a thank you page that can be a very useful tool to take advantage of.

News page

- Cluster topic
- Interlinking
- New/Blog

Lead Nurturing

The digital revolution of recent times brought with it a series of advantages to the marketing field, among which it is necessary to highlight the great development of Lead Nurturing. This was possible because our ability to collect information directly from users increased due to the creation of scalable databases and automation tools and technologies. Lead Nurturing, therefore, is an essential ingredient of inbound marketing because it is the key to nurture the relationship with our customers and turn them into loyal followers of our brand.

What are the benefits of Inbound Marketing for your company?


ROI improvements

Lead nurturing improves the ROI of digital marketing campaigns (get more conversions at a lower cost).



Get the most out of our users’ data (raw data).



The automation of the process saves resources (time and energy).


Reduce Risks

It reduces the risk of rejection and abandonment because, instead of sending mass messages, we contact the right user with the right message at the right time.



It allows you to clearly see the entire digital marketing process and optimize workflows.



It allows a very high level of segmentation and personalization with a consequent increase in efficiency.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a digital marketing technique that consists of assigning a score to leads to identify those that are more likely to convert in the short term from those that will waste our time. Through a series of formulas it is possible to track the behavior of the activity of the leads, as well as their commercial profile. The objective of the analysis is to score the conversion probability of a lead. This technique allows to distinguish perfectly the difference between:

Having a good lead qualification plan is essential because it allows us to know with certainty which of the leads are of sufficient quality and at what point they are ready to move on to a commercial contact. All this is what allows us to obtain maximum efficiency in inbound marketing strategies as we focus our efforts on those contacts that allow us to save time and money.

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